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The first official administration of the CESI took place on October 7, 2007 at the IASI Symposium in Boston. Since then, more than 400 candidates have taken the CESI. The current exam fee is $250. CBSI follows a rigorous process to create a psychometrically valid certification examination. A diverse, representative practitioner group works with a professional psychometrician to describe the practice of SI. The result is called a Practice Analysis (PA). The PA identifies broad domains of practice and lists the tasks within each domain with the specific knowledge statements needed to perform each task safely and competently. After the PA is validated by a profession-wide survey, it is used to create an exam that tests entry-level knowledge necessary for the safe and effective practice of SI. The CESI is not meant to define or limit the scope of Structural Integration. All BCSIs are encouraged to participate in writing questions for the next exam. CBSI hopes that you will consider participating in this rewarding process.

Study Guide 




This study guide provides resources for content areas of the Certification Exam for Structural Integration (CESI), and is provided as a service by the Certification Board for Structural Integration. Candidates who take the CESI are responsible for their own preparation and their own performance on the exam. The availability, content, and/or accuracy of this guide cannot be held responsible for an exam candidate’s preparation for, and performance on, the CESI. The exam covers only the minimum knowledge necessary to provide safe and effective application of the bodywork known as Structural Integration. This guide is not meant to fully describe or define the theory and practice of Structural Integration. The literature recommendations in this guide are not a full bibliography of works on, and applicable to, the practice of Structural Integration and should not be used as such.
Exam Domains and Percentages
Therapeutic Relationship: 15%
Assessment: 20%
Strategy: 15%
The Work: 42%
Ethics and Professional Issues: 8%

Domains, Tasks, and Knowledge
The CBSI 2018 Revised Practice Analysis delineates the tasks performed and knowledge applied by Structural Integrators in the practice of their profession. Structural Integration is a somatic, interactive practice using fascial manipulation, awareness, and movement education applied within a framework designed to promote and/or restore postural balance and functional ease by aligning and integrating the body in gravity. Benefits from the effective application of Structural Integration knowledge and skills include improved performance, personal growth, and an enhanced sense of well-being.

Strategies and Tips
The CESI is a standardized, multiple choice exam of 120 questions. Each question has four possible answers. Often a question will have one answer that is “more correct” than the other three answers.

Read each question and each answer carefully.

While there are no trick questions on the exam, most questions contain key words or phrases that, if not noticed or understood, may prevent you from choosing the best answer. Many questions contain conditional statements, such as, “most often”, “best example”, “most directly affects” or “primarily viewed as”. Conditional key words and phrases like this mean that more than one of the possible answers may seem correct, but only one choice is the most correct, and therefore the right answer. You will need to choose the single best answer, so read each question and each answer carefully.

Set a reasonable and focused pace.
The CESI is administered using specific set guidelines that provide ample time for qualified candidates to complete the exam. You should be able to take the time to read through each question and all possible answers. Rushing to complete the test and not taking advantage of the time allowed will likely result in incorrect choices.  Set a pace where you can stay focused and comfortable.

Mark questions you are unsure about and return to them later.
If you are having difficulty choosing an answer for a question, mark it and return to it later. As you continue through the exam, other questions may help you recall important information. Be sure to scan your answer sheet for skipped questions. It is important to answer all questions.

Answer all questions, even the ones you do not know.
Improve your score by always answering every question even if you are not sure of the correct answer. Using the process of elimination, make your best guess. The test is scored in a way that only gives you credit for correct answers; you will not have points taken away for incorrect answers. Do not leave any answers blank.

Follow the instructions of your test proctor.
The exam is administered following specific guidelines, and will start at a specific time.  The test proctor will give you specific instructions for how to fill out your answer sheet, when to open your test booklet, and procedures to follow before, during, and after the exam. Failure to follow these procedures may cause your exam to be voided. If this happens, you will have to re-register and repeat the exam. Exam instructions will be clear and specific. Listen to, and carefully follow all instructions.

Be prepared for the exam.
Your education and experience as a Structural Integrator, along with studying the information in this exam guide, is the best approach for successfully completing the CESI. The exam staff is trained to monitor for irregularities such as cheating.

Be aware of test anxiety.
Being anxious about a test is completely normal.  Reduce test anxiety by planning enough time to study in the days and weeks leading up to the exam. Get a good night’s sleep before the exam and arrive on time. There are many strategies for reducing test anxiety. Seek out resources that allow you to be more confident and relaxed while taking the exam.

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