Robert Toporek
Presentation: How Babies & Children can Benefit from Structural Integration?
10 years after Vietnam Robert began studying Rolfing directly with DR Rolf.
In 1978 Dr. Ida P. Rolf asked our founder Robert Toporek an Advanced CertifiedRolfing®Structural IntegrationPractioner to implement and manage a project to demonstrate, document, and promote the benefits of Rolfing®Structural Integration for babies and children. This was initially called "The Children's Project".Robert produced an award-winning video and a monograph entitled "The Promise of Rolfing".He has also published a number of articles on the subject.
Robert and Dr.Rolf both knew that performing Rolfing®Structural Integration on babies at an early age made a significant and possibly scientific difference in their neuromuscular development.Robert has worked with kids with Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Scoliosis, Aspergers, as well as other kids with developmental challenges.
Robert is now raising a substantial amount of money $250,000- $ 500,000 to work with women and children that are survivors of domestic abuse and or have children with developmental challenges.
In 1995 Robert began to take his healing work to one of Philadelphia' most challenged neighborhoods. He set up his Rolfing®Structural Integration table on the sidewalk and offered free sessions to kids in the area. As time went on other volunteers joined the mission giving kids free massages, books, art supplies, athletic and music equipment. They also cleaned up the area and built a playground. in the summer of 1997, Robert and his volunteers began distributing over 50 computers to the families at 9th & Indiana In 1998 Robert began to expand this effort worldwide. This led to the evolution of "The Children's Project" to TeamChildren.
Our technology inclusion mission.
Despite the fact that we live in one of the wealthiest countries in the world, poverty and poor education are still rampant. Today technology can make a difference yet far too many families do not have a home computer. Many schools are still using outdated equipment. Each day, older and slower computers are discarded because they are not equipped with all of the latest technological advances. Our mission is to re-purpose them to ensure that every child has access to the use of a computer in the comfort and safety of their home, every school has adequate computers in the classroom, and no social service organization is without the technological tools to accomplish their goals
By simply writing a letter explaining the need for one of our low-cost computers or devices, families obtain devices necessary to better educate their children. help us spread the word.With your help, we can become better known throughout communities that would benefit from our mission.