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Pulmonary Rehabilitation with Jeffrey Burch
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CE Credit Classes- In Person
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About this event
Course Title: Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Course Date: September 19-22, 2024
Course Instructor: Jeffrey Burch
BA Biology MS Counseling Psychology Certified Rolfer Since 1977 Rolfing Advanced Training 1990 Completed the Barral Institute Instructor Visceral Manipulation Apprenticeship Extensive Study of osteopathic methods with Alain Gehin DO
Course Start and end times:
9AM-5PM Sept 19,20,21, and 8AM-4PM Sept 22
In Person location:
880 Nantucket Ave, Eugene, OR 97404
Course Description:
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This course brings together elements of visceral manipulation, vascular manipulation, neural manipulation, and joint mobilization, in a regional and functional format to restore ease and depth of breath.
This course was originally developed by Jeffrey Burch at the request of EDI Academy Osteopathic College in Milan, Italy. Originally designed as a three-day course, it has been expanded to four days to include more about the respiratory diaphragm and nervous system connections to the lungs, and to allow more time to practice the methods taught.
Topics covered include;
Review of Mobility-Testing, and its importance as a component of lung rehabilitation methods
Dynamic Stabilization, concept and application to mobility testing and treatment
The concept of Effort Barrier as a component of treatment techniques
First Barrier Stretch technique
First Barrier Shear technique
Anatomy and embryology of the pleural surfaces
Cautions and contraindications for treatment of pleural adhesions and contractures
Assessment and Treatment of pleural adhesions
Assessment and treatment of pleural contractures
Harold Hoover DO’s Centralizing Technique Flossing Technique Application of Flossing technique to vasculature and nerves in general with applications in several parts of the body
Anatomy and embryologic development of the bronchial tree Assessment and treatment of the bronchial tree
Anatomy and development of the pulmonary innervation and vasculature
Assessment and treatment of Pulmonary Innervation
Assessment and treatment of Pulmonary Vasculature
Cautions and contraindications for treatment of vasculature and nerves
Assessment and treatment of Pulmonary Parenchyma
Richard Van Buskirk DO’s reconstruction of an Original A.T.
Still treatment method Assessment and treatment of skin, superficial fascia and investing fascia of the thorax
Assessment and treatment of intraosseous strain in ribs and sternum
Assessment and treatment of costal cartilages and the sterno-manubrial joint
Assessment and treatment of chest wall vasculature
Assessment and treatment of intercostal nerves
Assessment and treatment of costovertebral joints
Assessment and treatment of spinal facet joints
Assessment and treatment spinal ligaments, anterior longitudinal, interspinous, supraspinous, and ligamentum flavum
Assessment and treatment of the phrenic nerves, and phrenic vasculature
Inferior glide planes of the respiratory diaphragm
Cautions and contraindications for treatment of bone and skeletal articulations
Assessment and treatment of Pulmonary Parenchyma
Discuss how to plan and implement a treatment for each person using these methods
Contact info:
Jeffrey Burch